Work-life balance tips

Trying to find a work-life balance can be hard. You can feel like you're being pulled in different directions with never ending lists to check off, especially if you are a mum. Here you will find some tips to help reduce daily stress and clear up an overwhelmed mind.

Working part-time and being a mum can be a balancing act at times. Some people wonder what we do all day and some people look at us like super heroes.  

Trying to find a work-life balance can be hard. You can feel like your being pulled in different directions with never ending lists to check off. The “mum guilt” and the “I need to put more effort into work” guilt can creep in quick. At times, you can feel like you have everything sorted, and other times you wonder how you are going to get everything done.

Here are a few tips that have helped me while working, being a mum to 2 daughters, and running a household:

1. A good support system

My husband is away one week per month in Australia for work, so having a good support system is a lifesaver. I have the best of friends that help me, from looking after my kids so I can still get to the gym, or just catching up for a coffee and having some adult conversation.


2. Having a good routine/non negotiables

Having a good routine has been a total gamechanger. I wake up every morning and go to the gym at 5am and that’s my non negotiable. Having a good routine is key to reduce stress which leads to better emotional well being and having more energy to get through the day. Take the time to do what you enjoy doing to recharge your batteries and fill your own cup!

3. Set boundaries

Learn to say 'no'. If your to-do list just keeps on growing, say 'NO'. Only you know how much you can deal with on a day-to-day basis, so you need to let family and work managers know if those lists are getting too long. It can be hard, but it's one of the most important things you can do to reduce stress and expectations from others.

4. Change – If things aren’t working out, make changes

If there is a change you need to make in order to make your life happier, then do it. Don’t be afraid to take risks or make life changing decisions to better yourself. One of my favorite quotes is “nothing changes if nothing changes”. You are at the driving wheel of your own life, so taking charge of it and making the uncomfortable decisions is a must. It can be scary but so rewarding at the same time!

5. Surround yourself with people you trust

I always feel so lucky to have supportive family and friends. Most of my friends are working mums trying to do this 'work-life balancing act' and I draw so much inspiration from them. We all have such busy lives but we are always there for each other. We help celebrate the good times and are supportive of each other when making big decisions.

In conclusion, having a good support system and routine can help reduce daily stress and clear up an overwhelmed mind. Making time for yourself to do something for you, can help you help others while keeping your own cup nice and full.

For more wellbeing ideas for working parents, read this blog written by Jamee, my work colleague and one of my best friends.

- Emma Murcott, Personal Assistant at Trinity