Michael's visit to Fiji

A few weeks ago, our Executive Assistant Michael spent holidays in Fiji and managed to do an amazing charitable action!

A few weeks ago, our Executive Assistant Michael took a week off work to have a personal holiday to Fiji. Whilst he was there enjoying plenty of 'touristy attractions', he also managed to do an amazing charitable action, that he calls one of the highlights of his trip!

Michael, his husband and 4 of their friends visited a small village located north of Sigatoka called "Dreke Village". Michael said he felt incredibly moved by how the villagers were so welcoming to his friends and himself when they arrived.

Their visit started by receiving a traditional welcome, followed by the Fijian drink, the Kava and a delicious meal prepared by the villagers. Once finished, the group handed in a very special gift for kids and adults that lived in the village: two fully loaded suitcases containing jandals, hats, colouring in tools like pencils, books and chalk, and sanitary products. Michael says his group and him felt incredibly touched by the look on the kids faces when they opened the suitcases. They told Michael they have not received anything like that before, and the elders and chief of the village were moved to tears.

Michael and his group were invited to stay in the village for a couple of nights to "live the Fiji life”, which included going into the bush to hunt for food and visiting the natural springs where the bottled Fiji water comes from.

The compassion and generosity that Michael showed on this trip are exactly what Trinity stands for. We love it when we are able to give back to the community as a company, but when it comes from our staff members, that's even more special.

Thank you so much Michael for your amazing initiative in Fiji!